          BANK OWNED BY AMERICA; FEDS BECOME LARGEST SHAREHOLDER BANK OWNED BY AMERICA; FEDS BECOME LARGEST SHAREHOLDER It is a lie(There's no w 澎湖民宿ay you can win the battle ground by plain lie, 買屋lie can only use to hide, lie cannot have the power to fight, and when 買屋you lie to your enemy, you must have no way to live along with your enemy, you have to fight to e 商務中心nd until one side willing to surrender unconditionally, otherwise, you must no way to get peaceful sleep when you know you 結婚西裝r enemy hides), America is soil(And you stupid bad ugly evil USA Feds must have no right to sold out any piece of America soil, all Latin 酒店工作America must have right to bomb you USA Feds pieces away for you dare shamelessly say that plain lie to see their America soil like nothing in front of your eyes ), ca seonnot be able to own any man made form, not mention America must include entire America Continent; use your brain cell and common sense, how do you have entire america owner to have the 買房子meeting, you have no right to demand any shareholder to trust you feds to speak for any inidvidual shareholder interest, and how can you to send the dividendent to every America without knowing those homeless ended u 永慶房屋p? Your selfish shameless brainless deserve you all be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租房子  .

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